its all very well having a vegetable garden that abounds in produce, but it does all ripen at once, and so needs eating and preserving all at once....
i am only just keeping up...

cucmber relish...
tomatoe and chilli jam...
tomatoe relish...
tomatoe pasta sauce...
fig and ginger relish...
spiced rhubarb jam...
if anyone can help me with preserving the aubergines i would be very grateful.. i have tried baking and keeping them in oil, but did not have a lot of success and cant seem to find a good reciepe to help...
anyhow, more on the recipes for the above soon..
it has been hot, really hot here for the past week, and i am making birthday gifts...knitting birthday gifts in fact, in 39 degree heat...i must be looney..

so this yarn was a delight to work with...i have made a scarf and will purchase some leather driving gloves to go with it...
the recipient recieved a cuban mob car from his wife for his birthday... it is pale blue and i think a chevrolet 1956 ish....and it is fabulous, pale blue, the same as the scarf he should have already recieved...i cant wait for him to get this in the mail...the pattern was from an old book of mums with loads of sample stitches in it, sorry i don't remember the name...i just picked one i liked the look of that was a bit masculine...i thought it would be a quick knit, but i used #9 needles as i wanted a loose weave, and i
hate knitting on large needles..i felt all thumbs, and ended up knitting the continental method to give my aching wrists a break....
and finally my two new babies...they were given to me a fortnight ago, how could i say no...just look at their faces...

as brothers they play, sleep, walk, annoy, do everything together.... they will be good company for each other, as in the past we have always had cats when the children were around to play with them...nowadays with children all grown up and me working 3 to 4 days per week they will have some quiet days with just the two of them defending the home....
they are such time wasters...i hope they don't loose their collars, its the only way we tell them apart...
red = cassias
blue = ivanda
...don't ask....